As we approach marketing strategies for clients old and new, we often find ourselves needing to come back to basics and recenter the conversation to remind everyone that priority is, by definition, singular. Often when we ask clients “what are your goals?” they’ll answer “to increase sales.” Well, of course. Who doesn’t want that? At times like these we find three additional questions useful as a way to refine almost any business notion, whether it be a project, a quarterly target, or a marketing plan.
While none of this is rocket science, these are the questions that are easily overlooked when talking about goal setting with clients. People often think of tactics first--how to solve the problem, before identifying what the problem even is. It’s easy to get wrapped up in finding the right packaging or shipping solution, but at those times it’s worth the time to revisit this exercise. Maybe you even answered these questions a year ago--great, do those answers still hold today? Were you right? One question often begets ten, but the process is fruitful.
Got another question for centering business goals? We’d love to hear it.
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