Top Email Marketing Platforms for Shopify: A 2024 Guide

Top Email Marketing Platforms for Shopify: A 2024 Guide

Welcome to our comprehensive 2024 guide on the best email marketing platforms for Shopify. As experts in the field, we at First Pier understand the pivotal role that email marketing plays in the success of an e-commerce business. Whether you're just getting started with your Shopify store or you're looking to boost your existing online sales, this guide is designed to equip you with all the essential knowledge you'll need to harness the power of email marketing effectively.

The Importance of Email Marketing for Shopify Stores

In the competitive world of e-commerce, attracting customers to your online store is just the starting point. The real challenge lies in keeping them engaged and transforming them into repeat buyers. This is where email marketing comes into play. A well-structured email marketing strategy allows you to build and maintain relationships with your customers, enhance brand recognition, and ultimately, drive sales.

According to a survey by HubSpot, a staggering 59% of consumers admitted to being influenced by emails when making purchasing decisions. Email marketing is more than just a trend; it's an indispensable component of a successful e-commerce business. With the right email marketing platform, you can go beyond promotional campaigns and utilize transactional emails like order confirmations and shipping notifications to build trust with your customers and subtly promote additional sales.

The Role of Email Marketing Platforms in E-commerce Success

Email marketing platforms are essential tools that can help you streamline your email marketing efforts, automate tasks, and provide valuable insights into your campaigns. The best platforms offer features such as contact syncing, customer segmentation, and comprehensive reporting, enabling you to tailor your marketing efforts to your customers' behaviors and preferences. The result is more personalized, targeted, and effective email campaigns.

As we delve deeper into this guide, we'll take you through the top email marketing platforms for Shopify, comparing their features, pricing, and integration capabilities, and providing expert insights to help you make an informed decision.

Top Email Marketing Platforms for Shopify: Quick Overview

  1. Klaviyo
  2. ActiveCampaign
  3. Omnisend
  4. GetResponse
  5. Privy
  6. SmartrMail
  7. Mailchimp

best email marketing platforms for shopify hierarchy

Stay tuned as we explore each of these platforms in depth, providing you with the insight you need to choose the ideal email marketing platform for your Shopify store.

Understanding Your Email Marketing Needs

Before diving headfirst into the world of email marketing platforms, it's crucial to identify your specific needs to ensure a perfect fit. This involves clearly outlining your email marketing goals and understanding the key factors to consider when choosing a platform.

Identifying Your Shopify Store's Specific Email Marketing Goals

Your email marketing goals will largely influence the type of platform you'll need. Are you looking to drive more sales, build customer loyalty, or improve brand awareness? Or perhaps you're aiming to do all three.

For instance, if your main goal is to increase sales, you may need a platform with robust automation and segmentation features. This will allow you to send targeted emails based on buying behavior, which can significantly boost conversions.

On the other hand, if your focus is on building customer loyalty, you might need a platform that offers advanced personalization features. Personalized emails can make your customers feel valued and appreciated, leading to stronger relationships and increased loyalty.

Shopify store owner planning email marketing strategy

Key Factors to Consider When Choosing an Email Marketing Platform

Once you've identified your goals, it's time to consider the key factors that will determine which platform is the best fit for your Shopify store.

Ease of use: An intuitive interface and user-friendly design can save you a lot of time and frustration. Look for platforms with a drag-and-drop editor and a clear, easy-to-navigate dashboard.

Integration with Shopify: Ideally, the platform should seamlessly integrate with Shopify, automatically syncing with your store data. This will allow you to leverage your store's data for more effective email marketing campaigns.

Features: Your choice of platform should be guided by the features that align with your goals. Key features to look for include automation, segmentation, personalization, analytics, and a wide range of templates.

Pricing: Consider your budget and the platform's pricing structure. Some platforms offer free plans with basic features, while others charge based on the number of subscribers or emails sent.

Customer support: Look for platforms that provide responsive and helpful customer support. This could be in the form of live chat, email support, or a detailed knowledge base.

Remember, there's no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to email marketing platforms. Your choice should be guided by your specific needs, goals, and budget. With this in mind, let's take a closer look at Shopify's built-in email marketing service, and when it might be time to consider a third-party platform.

Overview of Shopify's Inbuilt Email Marketing Service

Before we delve into the vast sea of third-party email marketing platforms, it's essential to understand the capabilities of Shopify's in-house solution, Shopify Email. Launched in 2019, this native tool has been continuously improving and might just be the perfect fit for your business.

Introduction to Shopify Email

Shopify Email is an email marketing tool integrated directly into the Shopify platform. The service is free to install with all Shopify subscription plans, allowing you to send up to 10,000 emails per month without any charge. After hitting this threshold, you'll be charged $1 USD for every additional 1,000 emails sent.

This option is particularly attractive to small and mid-sized ecommerce stores with a moderate volume of email traffic. Shopify Email has developed significantly since its inception, boasting powerful customization and automation features that can help you optimize your email marketing strategies.

Key Features and Benefits of Shopify Email

Shopify Email impresses with its intuitive visual editor that lets you drag-and-drop text and images into your emails. It also allows for easy addition of content, such as linked products and discount codes, without the need for complex coding.

The platform provides 24 templates, which you can easily modify to suit your brand's aesthetic. Shopify Email also offers robust analytics features, allowing you to track your email's performance and identify actions taken by your subscribers, such as link clicks or unsubscribes.

To further streamline your email marketing efforts, Shopify Email has expanded its automation capabilities, offering pre-built workflows and third-party app integration. This means you can automate marketing campaigns, saving you time and ensuring your emails reach customers at the right moment.

Limitations of Shopify Email and When to Consider Third-Party Platforms

Despite its impressive feature set, Shopify Email may not be the best fit for every ecommerce business. For one, if you're sending emails to lists with over 1,000 subscribers, Shopify uses a method called "batching," which can lead to staggered delivery. If your email campaign hasn't finished sending within 72 hours, it's recommended to reach out to customer support. This delay may not be ideal for time-sensitive promotions.

Additionally, Shopify Email falls short in multilingual support. Emails can only be sent in one language, unless you're willing to do some complex coding. This limitation can be a significant drawback for stores operating in multiple languages, as customers will not receive emails in their browser's default language.

In light of these limitations, it may be necessary to consider third-party email marketing platforms if your business requires advanced features such as comprehensive automation, advanced segmentation, personalization, and multilingual support.

In the next section, we will dive into the top email marketing platforms for Shopify, discussing their unique features, pricing, and overall suitability for different business needs. Stay tuned to find the perfect tool to supercharge your email marketing efforts.

Top Email Marketing Platforms for Shopify

Choosing the right email marketing platform for your Shopify store is paramount for successful marketing campaigns. In this section, we explore some of the best email marketing platforms for Shopify, each with its unique strengths and features that cater to different business needs.

Klaviyo: Advanced Segmentation and Automation

Klaviyo stands out with its advanced segmentation and automation capabilities. It offers an extensive selection of pre-built workflows, allowing you to send targeted emails based on customer behavior and purchase history. With Klaviyo, you can easily create personalized email marketing campaigns that significantly boost your conversion rates.

ActiveCampaign: CRM and Sophisticated Workflows

ActiveCampaign combines the sophistication of CRM with advanced email workflows. This platform is ideal for businesses looking to extend their email marketing efforts into broader customer relationship management. ActiveCampaign's deep data integrations provide a comprehensive view of your customer, enabling you to create more effective and targeted campaigns.

Omnisend: Built for E-commerce

Omnisend is a platform built specifically for e-commerce businesses. It allows you to send triggered emails based on customers' actions, such as abandoned cart campaigns, which can significantly increase your store's conversion rates. Additionally, Omnisend offers direct integrations with Shopify, enabling seamless data synchronization between your store and the email marketing platform.

GetResponse: Rich in Features and Automations

GetResponse is rich in features and automations, making it suitable for small to mid-market companies. This platform offers a wide array of tools, including customizable email templates, advanced analytics, and robust automation capabilities. GetResponse is particularly beneficial for growing Shopify stores looking to streamline their email marketing processes.

Privy: Pop-ups and Email Capture

Privy is known for its pop-ups and email capture capabilities. With Privy, you can easily create attractive pop-ups to capture visitor emails, turning website visitors into potential customers. Privy also integrates seamlessly with Shopify, making it a convenient and effective tool for your email marketing needs.

SmartrMail: Personalized Email Marketing

SmartrMail offers personalized email marketing, aiming to provide a more engaging shopping experience for your customers. This platform allows you to send personalized product recommendations, follow-up emails, and automated welcome emails, enhancing your customers' shopping experience and fostering loyalty.

Mailchimp: User-friendly Interface and Robust Features

Mailchimp is renowned for its user-friendly interface and robust features. Its generous free plan and excellent analytics make it a favorite amongst small businesses. Mailchimp allows you to create beautiful, professional-looking emails with ease, and its comprehensive reporting features help you track and improve your email marketing performance.

Choosing the right email marketing platform for your Shopify store involves considering your specific needs and goals. Whether you need a platform with advanced segmentation and automation, a user-friendly interface, or robust features, there is a solution out there that fits your business. Stay tuned for the next section, where we will compare these platforms in terms of pricing, integration with Shopify, features, and customer support.

Comparing Email Marketing Platforms for Shopify

We at First Pier understand that selecting the perfect email marketing platform for your Shopify store can be overwhelming due to the overwhelming number of options available. Hence, we've created a comprehensive comparison of the top platforms based on four critical factors: pricing, Shopify integration, features, and customer support.

Pricing: Free Plans and Paid Options

When it comes to pricing, Shopify Email offers a cost-effective solution. The first 10,000 emails each month are free, with a charge of $1 USD for every subsequent 1,000 emails sent. However, if you're looking for more advanced features, platforms like ActiveCampaign and Klaviyo offer free trials but start at a higher price point.

Integration with Shopify: Ease of Setup and Use

All the platforms we've mentioned integrate seamlessly with Shopify. However, Shopify Email stands out due to its native integration. It allows you to create, send, automate, and track email campaigns directly from your Shopify admin. This could save you time and effort since there's no need for any complex setup.

Features: Automation, Segmentation, and Personalization

While Shopify Email offers some automation features and allows you to segment your email list, other platforms offer more advanced capabilities. For example, ActiveCampaign stands out with its sophisticated workflows and CRM capabilities, while Klaviyo provides an extensive selection of pre-built workflows.

Customer Support: Availability and Responsiveness

Support is crucial for any software, but it's especially important for email marketing platforms. While Shopify Email offers solid support, some users have reported issues when running campaigns in multiple languages. However, platforms like ActiveCampaign and Klaviyo have been praised for their responsive and helpful support.

To sum up, Shopify Email provides a cost-effective and user-friendly solution for Shopify store owners. However, for advanced automation, segmentation, and personalization, you might want to explore other options. Remember, the best email marketing platform for your Shopify store will depend on your specific needs and budget.

Next up, we'll share our top tips for maximizing the benefits of your chosen email marketing platform. Stay tuned!

Tips for Maximizing the Benefits of Email Marketing Platforms

With the right email marketing platform in place, you're one step closer to unlocking the full potential of your Shopify store. However, to truly maximize the benefits that these tools offer, it's essential to adopt effective strategies and best practices. Let's dive into some key considerations.

Best Practices for Email Marketing Campaigns

Crafting effective email marketing campaigns is a game-changer for your Shopify store. Remember, it's not just about sending emails, but about creating a well-thought-out strategy that engages your customers, drives conversions, and promotes customer loyalty. Here are some practices to consider:

  1. Customize and Schedule Emails: Use your email marketing platform to plan and schedule your campaigns in advance. This allows your email marketing to align perfectly with your overall marketing strategy.

  2. Design and Content: The design and content of your emails play a crucial role in their success. Use compelling subject lines, visually appealing designs, and engaging content. Many platforms offer a range of branded templates that automatically include assets from your store, which can be a great starting point.

  3. Personalize Your Emails: Personalize your emails based on your customers' preferences and behaviors. Segment your email list based on various factors like purchase history, geographical location, or engagement level, and send tailored emails to each segment.

Leveraging Automation and Segmentation for Personalized Marketing

Email automation is a must-have feature in an email marketing software. It allows you to create triggered campaigns, such as abandoned cart emails, order confirmations, cross-selling and upselling promotions, and recommended product emails. By personalizing these automated emails based on your customer segments, you can significantly boost your store's sales.

best email marketing platforms for shopify 3 stage pyramid

Alongside automation, segmentation is another powerful tool you can leverage. A good email tool lets you create segments of customers based on purchase history and other criteria. This allows you to send highly targeted and relevant emails, enhancing your overall email marketing effectiveness.

Monitoring and Improving Email Marketing Performance

Lastly, monitoring the performance of your email marketing campaigns is crucial. Your chosen platform should provide comprehensive reporting and analytics to help you understand how much revenue is generated by each individual email. Use these insights to continuously test and tweak your strategy, and improve your email marketing performance over time.

Email marketing analytics

At First Pier, we believe that effective email marketing is a cornerstone of a successful Shopify store. By following these tips and making the most of your chosen email marketing platform, you'll be on your way to unlocking your store's full potential. Stay tuned for our final thoughts on choosing the right platform for your needs in the next section!


As we've journeyed through the top email marketing platforms for Shopify, we've highlighted their unique features, benefits, and potential drawbacks. Now, it's time to recap our exploration and offer some final thoughts on choosing the right platform for your Shopify store.

Recap of Top Email Marketing Platforms for Shopify

From Klaviyo's advanced segmentation and automation capabilities to Privy's effective pop-ups and email capture features, the landscape of email marketing platforms for Shopify is vast and varied.

ActiveCampaign stands out for its CRM and sophisticated workflows, while Omnisend caters specifically to e-commerce needs. GetResponse offers a rich suite of features and automations, and SmartrMail delivers personalized email marketing solutions.

Last but certainly not least, Mailchimp has a user-friendly interface and robust features that many Shopify store owners appreciate.

best email marketing platforms for shopify sum of parts

Final Thoughts on Choosing the Right Platform for Your Needs

Choosing the right email marketing platform for your Shopify store is a crucial decision that can significantly impact your store's growth and success. Remember that the best choice will depend on your specific needs, goals, and budget.

When selecting a platform, consider factors such as the platform's integration with Shopify, the features it offers, its pricing structure, and the quality of customer support. Always keep in mind your store's specific email marketing goals and your customers' preferences.

Moreover, remember that a successful email marketing strategy goes beyond the platform you choose. It also involves crafting compelling content, personalizing your emails, and continuously monitoring and improving your email marketing performance.

At First Pier, we recommend taking a strategic approach to email marketing. As Shopify specialists, we can help you navigate these decisions and optimize your email marketing strategy to drive growth and success for your online store.

So, whether you're just starting out with email marketing or looking to upgrade your current strategy, remember: the right platform can be a game-changer. Choose wisely, and you'll be well on your way to unlocking the full potential of email marketing for your Shopify store.

In the words of one Reddit user, "Email marketing can make or break your e-commerce business. Choose your platform carefully, and make every email count."

Remember, the end goal is to create and nurture relationships with your customers. As you select your email marketing platform and craft your strategy, keep this goal at the forefront. After all, it's not just about sending emails; it's about connecting with your customers and driving your Shopify success.

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