Shopify POS

Shopify POS

First Pier has implemented dozens of e-commerce paired POS & Inventory solutions - accounting for high turnover inventory, legacy systems that need special integration, sku counts in the 50,000’s. Whatever your specific needs, there’s a good chance we can find stable solutions that will work for the multiple users of any POS and inventory system.

So how does it work?

We know that most ecommerce is paired with retail experiences and we’ve helped guide and implement solutions for everything from product intake and upload to point of sale workflows.

Whether you're just getting started with Shopify POS or migrating from another POS system, we'll walk you through each phase of implementation, starting with inventory management to full-service hardware installation. 

The results? A unified in-store and ecommerce system, a streamlined workflow, and a powerful platform customized to fit your needs. From inventory forecasting to BOPIS, we provide solutions for your business. 

“An invested, engaged team, First Pier’s creativity contributed to a successful museum solution. Workflows and user experiences have each improved, and internal stakeholders have noticed a decrease in connectivity issues. Customers can expect an approachable, thoughtful partner.”

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We thought you might say that! We've been dying to meet you too.

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